Pradeep Kumar and Rajendra Singh
J. Chem. Res. Adv., 01 (01):10-17
Pradeep Kumar : College of Veterinary and Animal Science (RAJUVAS), Udaipur
Rajendra Singh : College of Veterinary and Animal Science (RAJUVAS), Udaipur
Article History: Received on: 28-Jul-20, Accepted on: 18-Aug-20, Published on: 02-Sep-20
Corresponding Author: Pradeep Kumar
Citation: Singh R and Kumar P (2020). Cardiopulmonary effects of dexmedetomidine, midazolam and butorphanol as preanaesthetics to ketamine hydrochloride anaesthesia in dogs. J. Chem. Res. Adv., 01 (01 ):10-17
Aim: The study was carried out to evaluate cardiopulmonary effects of dexmedetomidine, midazolam and
butorphanol as preanaesthetics to ketamine hydrochloride anaesthesia in dogs..
Method and Materials: The study was conducted on 32 clinical cases of canine patients divided into four groups, where eight animals were in each group. Dogs were premedicated with dexmedetomidine alone @ 10 µg/kg in DK group, dexmedetomidine @ 10 µg/kg and midazolam @ 0.2 mg/kg in DMK group, dexmedetomidine @10 µg/kg, butorphanol @ 0.2 mg/kg in DBK group and dexmedetomidine @10 µg/kg, midazolam @ 0.2 mg/kg and butorphanol @ 0.2 mg/kg IM in DBMK group. Induction and maintenance of anaesthesia were achieved with ketamine hydrochloride. HR, RR, RT, blood pressure and SpO2 were recorded at 0, P-10, I-5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 90 minutes.
Results: Significant (P
Conclusion: Dexmedetomidine (10µg/kg) with butorphanol 0.2
mg/kg and midazolam 0.2 mg/kg as preanaesthetic with ketamine hydrochloride
induces effective surgical anaesthesia in healthy dogs.
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