Frequently Asked Questions

What is JCRA?

Journal of Chemical Research Advances is an peer-reviewed scientific journal based in India. Journal of Chemical Research Advances publishes high quality and novelty papers focusing on Chemical Science. The fields of study are chemical sciences in general, analytics and detection, astrochemistry, bioinorganics, biological and natural products, catalysis, chemical education, chemical history, chemistry and society, colour chemistry, electrochemistry, food chemistry, green and environmental chemistry, inorganic materials and polymers, medicinal chemistry, molecular inorganics, molecular organic, nanoscale science, nuclear chemistry, organic materials and polymers, photochemistry and photophysics, physical chemistry and chemical physics, supramolecular chemistry, theoretical chemistry. All a0rticles are available online free of cost.

What is open access ?

Journal of Chemical Research Advances is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. All articles published by Journal of Chemical Research Advances are made freely and permanently accessible online. All articles to Journal of Chemical Research Advances are posted online immediately as they are ready for publication. The articles in Journal of Chemical Research Advances are open access articles licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. Benefits of open access like open access articles are freely available via the internet and are therefore more widely visible than articles published behind subscription barriers, with some studies suggesting that on average open access articles are twice as likely to be cited. Retaining copyright means that author can reproduce and distribute their work as they choose, for example on their institution's website. Open access publication benefits the scientific community by making results of research immediately and freely available to all.

What is copyright policy of JCRA ?

All articles published in Journal of Chemical Research Advances are open access, which means the articles are universally and freely available online. In addition, the authors retain copyright of their article, and grant any third party the right to use reproduce and disseminate the article. Allowing the authors to retain copyright of their work permits wider distribution of their work on the condition it is correctly attributed to the authors. All newly published articles licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.

What is peer review policy of JCRA ?

Journal of Chemical Research Advances (JCRA) follows double blind peer-review process for all the submitted manuscripts. Peer reviewers are selected by editor on the recommendation of the Editorial Board members or from the specialist database owned by the Editorial Board. The scientific review of manuscript is handled by an Associate Editor who selects at least two reviewers in the concerned field according to recommendation of Editor or Editorial board and review for statistics may be additionally requested as per requirement. In case of marked discrepancy in the decisions among reviewers or in opinions between the author and reviewer(s), The Editor may send the manuscript to another reviewer for additional comments and recommendations. The reviewed manuscript is returned back to the corresponding author for revision. Information about the referees is not communicated to the author or vice versa, nowise. The usual reasons of rejection are insufficient originality, serious scientific flaws, poor quality of illustrations, improper manuscript form or absence of massage that might be important to the intended readers. Though the peer review process may in general take seven to eight weeks after submission of the manuscript, more time may be needed to finalize the review process. Revisions are usually requested to take account of criticism and comments made by referees. Failure to resubmit the revised manuscript within two weeks is regarded as a withdrawal. Alterations in context to the referee’s comments must be indicated point by point by the corresponding author, clearly. Acceptable reasons should be given for noncompliance with any recommendation of the referees. Once accepted, original articles will be published as soon as possible.

Article processing charge

As the cost of peer reviewing, editing, publishing, maintaining and archiving articles is not recouped through subscription charges, a standard article-processing charge (APC) is levied on all articles that are accepted for publication. The APC that is 100 USD for Foreign authors and 2800 INR for Indian authors, is a flat charge, and no additional costs are incurred, for example, by the inclusion of color figures/pages etc. Journal has a waiver policy up to 50% (for developing country authors etc) to promote quality research after ensuring no fundings from any institution or organizations for the same.

May I volunteer as a reviewer?

We would be glad to have you to review articles. If you would like to do so, please visit link and contact us.